Tuesday, August 07, 2007

LoR - August 7

Okay. I don't know if I am in the race to lose weight or get back into shape, though I would love to try at least. I don't seem to find time to workout or blog. But I am hoping the craziness will die down in a month.

But here is my goal:
blog at least every other day if not every day [Blog Nazi, I trust you to keep me faithful]
lose 5 pounds by end of October
workout at least 3 times a week [depending on On-Demand for this]

Alright! Enuff of the ramble, here is the food for the day:
Breakfast: 2 dosas + coconut chutney
Lunch: Roti + 2 eggs + some gourd curry [half a cup]
Snack: Coke Zero
Dinner: [plan] Rice + Curry + Curd
Snack: Hmmmmm dont know, but will end up eating something.. let's hope its healthy!


Suchi said...

Dude....here we are all struggling with our breakfast and your having Delicious DOSAS!! ;)
I would surely like that for breakfast too!

One Pound of Cannoli Cream to Go, Please! said...

Yahoo!! You're ON! Lol to Suchi's comment. Ise wants dosas with chutneys toos!