Thursday, August 09, 2007

LoR - August 8 + 9

Workout -
(8th) - null
(9th) skipped count of 100, walked up and down 4 floors [not a whole lot, but plan to augment with other workout in the evening]

Food intake (8th):
Breakfast - dosa(2 - ummm feeling appropriately sorry for the girls :D )
Lunch - Bag of chips + oatmeal raisin cookie + tiny portion of pasta salad + 1/4 sandwich
Dinner - Bread + Pizza (one small slice) + half portion of linguine pasta with chicken + two spoonfuls of yummy dessert

Breakfast - glass of orange juice
Lunch - 1 roti + full cup of aloo curry
Dinner - hmmmm... lets see.. will depend if friend from SF makes it on the flight.. fingers crossed.
Snack - will get some junk on the way home.

1 comment:

One Pound of Cannoli Cream to Go, Please! said...

Hey - good workout! Getting stuff in - that's what matters. Also, haha, merrily forgot my bread intake from last night. With butter, no less. :) Thanks for the reminder. Hope your friend makes it!