Thursday, August 02, 2007

OPoCCtGP's August 2nd post

7:20 am - Leg strengthening and shoulder exercises

10:00 am - Bowl of mini-frosted wheat bite things with milk
10:15 am - 2/3 a bowl of cannoli cream :(
11:30 am - Remaining cannoli cream. Its now over. It was good.
2:45 pm - Large bowl of greens with half a cucumber, one tomato, some shredded cheddar cheese, pepper and lemon juice
3:15 pm - 8 chocolate graham cracker honey maid stix
6:00 pm - Lots of fresh chips and salsa, one prickly pear margarita (mmm...), one fajita with mushrooms and asparagus, rice, beans, guac and corn-halwa
9:30 pm - Few pieces of watermelon


Suchi said...

How fatty are the Chocolate Graham Crackers? They do sound delicious.

One Pound of Cannoli Cream to Go, Please! said...

They're not terribly fatty, I think. Pretty good. Made with good whole grains and all that jazz. :) Know what they're great with? Vanilla yogurt!

Suchi said...

Where do you get them? Dominicks or Whole Food? I am lookin to find something snacky that is not fatty!

One Pound of Cannoli Cream to Go, Please! said...

Yeah, Dominicks has them, I think. Mine came either from there or Jewel. :)