Monday, August 28, 2006

OPoCCtGP's PuBaSWoP Plan - End of day 7, i.e. Week ONE

LoR - had I told you what my goal was when we began the PuBaSWoP? It was to lose 6 lbs by Sept 30th. And that weight was with my jeans on. :) That was 1 lb each week. Looks like I'm close to target for my first week. Though the amount of cake and frosting I had yesterday will show up in the scale tomorrow. :( But so far, lost 1 lb. Also lost $1 for 4/7 workout days and $1 for pigging on aforementioned cake. Yay! Can't enjoy the woods though. Miles to go before I sleep. :)

1 comment:

DilettanteMoi said...

Yeay!! Nice start. and it is a reasonable goal.

I dont have any concrete goals [neither do I have an accurate weighing scale at home], but I am hoping if I stick to the routine it will do some good in the end.

Less power to the fund! :) which btw is at $5 right now
- $2 from OPoCCtGP
- $2 from LoR
- $1 from BabiePhat [for 4/7]

I should push BP to log in here too!