Monday, June 25, 2007

Suchi:June 25th

8:00 am 1 cup coffee and half sandwich
12:30pm: Lunch: 2 Rotis, Cabbage and 1 Katori Dal
2:00pm: 1 chocolate
4:00pm: little salad ( Balsamic Dressing and no cheese)
9:00pm: Dinner:2 Rotis, Bhindi, Dal, Achaar and 1 chocolate! ( need to stop having it)

1 comment:

One Pound of Cannoli Cream to Go, Please! said...

Dudette - don't fret about the chocolates. I read that its good to eat right 90% of the time, and indulge 10% of the time. So, the chocolate is your 10%. :)