Wednesday, May 31, 2006

May 31st - Shake it off

I am a first timer and I am pretty excited about losing some LBS!!!

Menu for today
Breakfast - Whole wheat raisin toast, a pat of margarine and half a glass of cranberry juice.

Lunch - Turnip greens with steamed orka, chicken breast cubes and water

Dinner - Turnip greens with steamed orka(love it) and whole grain rice with Shrimp and Chicken breast cubes...

Exercise - Now that is another story.... Time to do some sweating but not feeling the treadmill.. Having a hard time getting motivated to exercise but know it is a MUST in order to get BIKINI SKINNY for my cruise in October.....


One Pound of Cannoli Cream to Go, Please! said...

Yay! Welcome here, Shaker. :)You are on the right track! Bikini Skinny Mini you will be. You know, the motivation that I will put down what I consume has stopped me from eating vast amounts of sweet foods in a go. Atleast it did yesterday. :) So I'm glad to see we're all on here. The motivation will help each other!

DilettanteMoi said...

Welcome Shake-it-off!!

Having those acheivable goals really helps. Here's to your Bikini Skinny Cruise-ade!! :)