Friday, June 02, 2006

Shake it Off - June 2nd

Breakfast - Oatmeal

Lunch - Turnip Greens, Orka and fresh fruit..

Dinner - Going out to dinner for my cousin's b-day and will probably eat
too much, have too many drinks but I will get back on track tomorrow(smile)...

FYI: Got up at 5:30am and did a mile on the track... This would be day 2....

High School Skinny here I come!!!!!


One Pound of Cannoli Cream to Go, Please! said...

5:30 am!! Way to go, Shaker!!! Good for you!

DilettanteMoi said...

5:30? Wow. Ok. early morning will be my next target in that case. Let me see if I can transform into the lark from the owl that I am. :)

Good job Shakes!

DilettanteMoi said...

How do you eat the Okra btw?